Tag: Unions (labor relations)

Employers: It’s time again to have an employment lawyer review your severance agreements.

the employer handbook

On Wednesday, an administrative law judge issued a cease and desist order forcing an employer to rescind overly broad nondisparagement and confidentiality language from its severance agreement and notify all former employees who signed them. This could have been avoided. In this case, the nondisparagement provision stated that it was […]

Your non-competes and non-solicits may violate ANOTHER federal law: the National Labor Relations Act

the employer handbook

The Federal Trade Commission isn’t the only government agency gunning for your company’s noncompetes. Earlier this month, a National Labor Relations Board Administrative Law Judge ruled that a non-union employer violated the National Labor Relations Act by utilizing unlawful noncompete and nonsolicitation provisions in employment agreements. During their employment and […]

Trouble brewin’ for the feds’ efforts to block unfair labor practices after yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling

the employer handbook

I disappeared down a few Google rabbit holes in my attempt to find the right coffee pun to introduce yesterday’s Supreme Court decision in which eight out of nine justices agreed to recalibrate the test for when the National Labor Relations Board seeks an injunction in federal court to curtail […]

A company reportedly shut down its business rather than go union. Wait, can it do that?!?

the employer handbook

TL;DR: Yes. But I’ll explain to you why it’s probably not illegal. First, here’s what happened. According to multiple published reports, including this one from Michaela Althouse at the Philly Voice, a chain of three coffee shops permanently closed Monday – one week after employees announced their intentions to unionize. […]