Your Ultimate Guide To Continuous Feedback (Plus Tools To Use) A clear framework that includes goal setting, performance reviews, continuous feedback, and rewards motivates employees to perform at their...
[Free] Ready-To-Use Leave Request Forms Our collection of simple and free leave request forms provides a solid foundation for developing customized employee leave request...
[Free] Employment Verification Letter Template and Samples To Write a Professional Letter An employment verification letter is a simple but important document that confirms an employee’s job status, role, and tenure...
23 Examples of Hostile Work Environment: How To Spot the Signs Examples of hostile work environments are more common than we’d like to think. 52% of employees have experienced or...
Progressive Discipline: 5 Steps To Develop a Discipline Policy in 2025 Progressive discipline is not just about making and enforcing rules — it’s about holding employees accountable for their actions....
[Free] Termination Letter Template and Guide to Writing a Professional Letter Handling employee terminations and writing termination letters are unavoidable parts of an HR professional’s role. In the U.S., for...
What is a Competency Assessment? 9 Examples (Plus Steps To Conduct) A competency assessment can help HR leaders make informed talent management decisions and ensure their workforce is skilled, knowledgeable,...
5 Essential Performance Management Templates for a Thriving Workforce Performance management can seem complex, especially when balancing individual contributions with broader organizational goals. A performance management template helps...