Tag: Retaliation

Work Should Be a ‘No Politics’ Zone

Institutions around the country are in turmoil, subject to loud clamoring about events in the Middle East. Many members of their communities are making claims of anti-Semitism, while there are counterclaims of Islamophobia. Public universities and institutions may have no way to avoid those disruptions, but fortunately private employers need not be pulled into that […]
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Poor Yelp reviews — and not retaliation — are why this rude restaurant hostess got fired

the employer handbook

The hostess at an Asian-American restaurant in Chicago, Illinois, was employed in that role for about two years. Two years the restaurant probably wishes it could have back. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals noted that the owners and general manager observed that the hostess was impatient with guests, gave […]

Retaliation can come in all shapes and sizes

the employer handbook

Earlier this month, a federal appellate court addressed a few situations involving retaliation claims in the workplace in which parties (and sometimes courts) may misapply the law, namely, Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964. So, let’s clear this up. A retaliation claim has three elements: a protected activity, […]

Hey, HR! Avoid the same mistake that this HR Department allegedly made when responding to an employee’s complaint.

the employer handbook

An employer recently learned the hard way that a proper response to an employee’s complaint of harassment involves more than simply investigating it. I’ll explain. Last night, I read a recent decision from a Pennsylvania federal judge. The plaintiff, an Asian American, testified at his deposition that his supervisor often […]