Tag: OSHA “Walkaround” Rule

OFCCP Week In Review: May 28, 2024

Colorado Enacted Nation’s First Ever (Nightmare) Law Addressing “Algorithmic Discrimination” in “High-Risk” AI Systems
Coalition of Business Groups Sued to Stop OSHA’s Union-Friendly “Walkaround” Rule
Texas Attorney General Filed Suit Challenging EEOC’s Harassment Guidance
DE Talk | Resiliency & Determination: The Military Spouse Employee Makeup
U.S. Justice Department & OFCCP Jointly Announced Separate Settlements with a Tech Company to Address “Whites Only” Job Posting
President Biden Renominated NLRB Chair McFerran & Nominated Ditelberg for Vacant Republican NLRB Slot
NY Attorney General Announced Coalition of 23 (Blue) State AGs Filed Amicus Brief Opposing 17 (Red) State AGs’ Challenge to EEOC’s PWFA Rule
FAR Council Seeks to Require Federal Contractors to Report First-Tier Subcontractor Information, Including Potentially Executive Compensation Data
In Brief
New Publications
Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders

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