Tag: HR professionals

4 Time Management Techniques for Human Resources Professionals  

If you’re an HR leader, you’re well aware that time is a valuable asset. Your to-do list never seems to shrink, even as the clock keep sticking and the days turn into weeks.  You’ve got applicants to interview, new hires to onboard, and an employee base to tend to. Often, HR leaders are juggling multiple […]
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What HR Professionals Need Know to Prevent Employee Healthcare Data from Ending Up Overseas

In February of this year, the Biden Administration signed an executive order aimed to protect American citizen’s’ personal data, brought about in large part because of the growing awareness that sensitive data, including healthcare data, is being bought and sold internationally. This initiative, combined with a growing number of states enacting laws requiring companies to […]
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Survey Explores Experience of Gen Z in the Workplace

Staying ahead of workforce trends is crucial for HR professionals and people managers. A recent report by iHire offers valuable insights into the Gen Z workforce, providing essential guidance for recruitment and retention strategies. Tackling Stereotypes and Bias A significant finding is that 34.4% of Gen Zs believe negative stereotypes about their generation will hinder […]
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Signs an Employee Might Be Headed for the Door

In today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial for HR professionals and managers to spot the signs that an employee might be considering a move. Recognizing these signs early can help you address any underlying issues and potentially retain valuable talent. Here are some key indicators to watch for. Decreased Engagement and Productivity A noticeable drop […]
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What HR Teams Need to Know About the Dark Web

As a human resources professional, you may think the dark web isn’t something you have to concern yourself with. In reality, it should be a major consideration for your department. After all, it affects you more directly than you might assume. What Is the Dark Web? While you’ve heard of the dark web, you probably […]
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