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More DEI Backtracking

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) had a hugely successful few years in the corporate space. DEI was all the rage among corporate execs and HR professionals, and corporations were spending big bucks on chief diversity officers (CDO) and DEI teams. Lately, however, DEI has been on the retreat, with many high-profile companies backtracking on DEI […]
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The Gap Between Intent and Action in Skills-Based Hiring

Now more than ever, skills-based hiring is at the forefront of business conversations. While skills-based hiring isn’t new, organizations willing to undergo a company-wide transformation and take a skills-first approach are seeing success with building relevant taxonomies and developing employees’ careers faster than those operating in more traditional models. With a focus on finding the […]
The post The Gap Between Intent and Action in Skills-Based Hiring appeared first on HR Daily Advisor.