The Future of Student Loan debt There is a crisis of college student loan debt that is mind-blowing in its scope. Let me share some numbers with...
Discussing Trump in the Workplace What happens when politics is discussed in the workplace? A recent survey says that American workers are stressed out by any...
Recruiting Headlines from CareerArc, TalkPush, Glassdoor, TopResume This podcast is sponsored by the recruiters best friend. CAREERARC RAISES 30 MILLION GLASSDOOR EXPANDS Glassdoor Expands...
How To Stop Tech Addiction I read the other day that chronic social media use is as bad as drug addiction and I remember thinking, “Is...
Privacy is dead and dying more each day… Amazon reported that 100 million Alexa devices have been sold as of this writing. That’s great for Amazon but for...
Santa Claus and the Free Gift of Universal Basic Income The Christmas season is upon us which means, among other things, Santa Claus will be delivering toys and gifts...
What happens when designer babies enter the workforce? A scientist named – He Jianku claims to have created the world’s first genetically edited babies. Shortly after the...
A Future Talk with Dr. Tracey Wilen {QUICK NOTE: I’m thinking of doing a podcast where I interview interesting people about the future of work, life...
Microchipping Employees is a No-good, Horrible and Terrible Idea A Wisconsin company made it possible for their workers to throw away their employee ID cards, forget all their...
How Emerging Technology is Disrupting the Training and Development Industry Attention Human Resources department, instead of spending so much time and money developing an onboarding program and/or a series...
Proud Parents are Enabling the Identity Theft of their Kids Identity theft is a global epidemic and its about to get worse because of proud, well-meaning parents. Find out...
This is what happens when you crowdsource morality! What would happen if we crowd sourced morality? In other words, instead of a bible or a quran or...
Human Cloning: The Answer to Talent Scarcity Earlier this year, something extraordinary was being reported in the news. For the first time in American history, there were more jobs...
’Tis the Season: Unwrapping the Keys to Employee Morale Guest: John Ruhlin, public speaker and author of Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through...
Is Immortality the Best Employee Benefit? What would happen if companies offered their employees immortality as an employee benefit? In this burgeoning age of digital...
Brain to Brain Communication… Its a thing. Believe it or not, scientists connected 3 human brains together and used that connection to… play Tetris, because… why...