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Is it right to profit on prison labor?

When you think of prisoners working inside of a jail, what comes to mind? Prisoners cooking, mopping floors, folding clothes…? Yes, all of those are certainly true and now you can add one more – training artificial intelligence algorithms. In this episode, I talk about the pros and cons (pun intended) of prison labor. This is a preview; full episode is available on my site – http://jimstroud.com.

Listen to the full episode and read the transcript here – “Is it right to profit on prison labor?” http://j.mp/2U0mDnY

Listen to a preview of the episode below:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVirUJkOT5Y&w=560&h=315]

Click here to download this podcast.

See also  NSFW: Can Artificial Intelligence Stop Porn in the Workplace?

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