Category: Nine to Thrive HR

Subscribe to this HCI podcast series to gain access to leading HR practitioners from Fortune 1000 companies, as well thought-leaders, authors, and academics. These experts cover everything from talent acquisition and analytics to engagement, retention, and development.

ASO, PEOs and PSPs: What’s Missing? It’s Time To Fine-Tune Your Offerings

In this episode of Nine to Thrive HR, host Cindi Koetzle speaks with Pragya Gupta, Chief Product Officer at isolved. They discuss the vital roles of ASOs (Administrative Service Organizations), PEOs (Professional Employer Organizations), and PSPs (Payroll Service Providers) in HR today. Pragya shares how isolved’s HCM SaaS platform supports […]

Cultivating Authentic Leadership: Insights from a Jungian Psychologist

Partnering with expert Dr. Robert Hernandez, a Jungian-trained psychologist, this episode explores the emerging paradigm of ego-self access leadership. Dr. Hernandez shares his journey of marrying Jungian psychology with leadership development, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and emotional intelligence in today’s leaders. From uncovering the complexities of the ego to […]

Pioneering Paths in Diversity and Equity: HCI Spotlights (Faculty) Cristina Costa

In this episode, we dive into the journey of Cristina Costa, founder of Cristina Costa Coaching. Starting with her unconventional path from marketing to teaching abroad, Cristina shares how her global experiences shaped her perspective on work and inclusion. Transitioning into technology, she noticed a lack of diversity and became determined […]