Category: Learn with Bessern

The podcast to convert intentions into actions. In self-development and well-being, there is so much information and it is difficult to know what it’s true or not. In the Learn With Bessern podcast, we want to demystify these topics using science.
Hosted by Elena Agaragimova and Ivan Palomino.

Heather Cook on Building Thriving Employee Communities: The Power of Tech & Human Connection

CLICK MP3 LINK BELOW TO STREAM AUDIO In the past five years, the workplace has transformed, with remote and hybrid models becoming common and creating new challenges for fostering community among employees. Studies show that connected employees have higher job satisfaction, engagement, and productivity, while strong employee communities reduce turnover […]

Michel Heitzmann on Why Sustainability is not Working in Corporates | Greenwashing vs Real Change

CLICK MP3 LINK BELOW TO STREAM AUDIO Corporate sustainability is on the rise, with over 98% of S&P 500 companies publishing sustainability reports in 2022 and more than 8,000 entities pledging net zero emissions by 2050. A TravelPerk study reveals that 69% of employees want their companies to invest in […]

Aneace Haddad on Leadership Superpowers after Midlife | The Myth of Age and Performance

CLICK MP3 LINK BELOW TO STREAM AUDIO For decades, leadership narratives have often centered on youthful energy and fresh perspectives. But what if the true key to exceptional leadership lies not in age, but in the accumulated wisdom and experience gained through life’s journey? Discover how these elements ignite the […]

The Remote Work Challenge: Building Belonging in a Virtual World with Kevin Finke

CLICK MP3 LINK BELOW TO STREAM AUDIO Today’s episode tackles a challenge that’s become increasingly relevant in our ever-evolving work landscape: building belonging in a virtual world. Did you know that over 70% of remote workers feel isolated or lonely? While the flexibility and convenience of remote work are undeniable, […]

Pam Hurley on The Upcoming Challenges in Communication for Corporates

CLICK MP3 LINK BELOW TO STREAM AUDIO According to a report by McKinsey in 2019, a staggering 70% of employees identified ineffective communication as a significant impediment to company performance. Additionally, a Gallup poll conducted in 2022 uncovered that merely 21% of employees strongly agree with the effectiveness of communication […]

How Companies can be ready for the Next Talent Pool – Attracting Digital Nomad Talent, Remote Workers and Purpose

CLICK MP3 LINK BELOW TO STREAM AUDIO From an estimated 7 million pre-pandemic in 2019, the digital nomad population soared to over 15.5 million by 2021, and projections indicate a staggering increase to over 35 million by 2023, marking a fivefold surge in just four years. Beyond their tech-savvy skills, […]

Dr. Veronica Anderson on Respectful Workplace Culture: How to Foster It & Address Disrespect

CLICK MP3 LINK BELOW TO STREAM AUDIO In a study conducted by McKinsey & Company in 2019, a significant correlation was identified between feelings of disrespect and employee turnover. The research revealed that employees who perceived being “treated unfairly” were twice as inclined to contemplate leaving their positions in comparison […]