Category: Human Resources

Employers: It’s time again to have an employment lawyer review your severance agreements.

the employer handbook

On Wednesday, an administrative law judge issued a cease and desist order forcing an employer to rescind overly broad nondisparagement and confidentiality language from its severance agreement and notify all former employees who signed them. This could have been avoided. In this case, the nondisparagement provision stated that it was […]

The difference between what an employees feels is a hostile work environment and a genuinely unlawful one.

the employer handbook

An employee in his early sixties worked under several managers, one of whom referred to the employee as “my b***h,” “motherf****r,” “old fart,” and “old motherf****r.” Upon seeking a raise, another manager told him that he was making too much money already and that “knowledge [did] not matter.” The employee […]