Category: HR Daily Advisor

What We Learned From… SHRM 2024

HR Daily Advisor was in Chicago for SHRM’s 2024 conference this week! After three days of engaging speakers, here are some key takeaways we learned. AI The rise of AI in the world of work has presented a significant shift in how HR functions are performed. Although generative AI has been both a hot topic and […]
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5 Methods to Express Gratitude and Workplace Celebrations

Great leaders understand the crucial role that gratitude and celebration play in cultivating an engaged, motivated, high-performing workforce. To foster a positive organizational culture, providing sincere, authentic praise is the most powerful gift a leader can give. Although leaders, like everyone else, want to feel valued and appreciated for the work they do, why do […]
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‘Human’ Skills Top Employer Demands Even Amid AI Revolution

There is understandably a great deal of apprehension among workers over the rapid pace of advancement in AI technology. Increasingly sophisticated AI tools are able to perform myriad tasks once exclusively the realm of humans, from data entry and note taking all the way up to tasks once reserved for highly paid professionals, like contract […]
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Faces of HR: SHRM’s CHRO on the Art of Simplicity

Jim Link’s path to CHRO at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) started with a lucky break: An internship at General Electric threw him headfirst into the world of HR. Tasked with both crafting the company newsletter and navigating the complexities of union grievances, his early exposure to the crucial roles of communication and […]
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Tackling Loneliness in the Workplace: Challenges and Solutions

Loneliness in the workplace affects many employees, with detrimental impacts on mental health and productivity. Various studies have highlighted the prevalence of this problem, particularly in the context of remote and hybrid working models that became more common during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Here I will explore key factors contributing to workplace loneliness, suggesting […]
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Remember Your Obligations When Religion and DEI Training Collide

Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County, which clarified that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964’s  protections against discrimination “based on . . . sex” included sexual orientation and gender identity, an increasing area of legal questions has arisen regarding the conflicts between LGBTQ+ employees’ rights and other employees’ […]
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3 Strategies for Fostering Camaraderie in Remote Teams

Many organizations operate with a remote or hybrid workforce in today’s digital age. While this flexibility offers numerous benefits, it can also present challenges in fostering a strong sense of camaraderie among employees who may rarely, if ever, physically interact with one another. With effective strategies, it is possible to create a culture of collaboration […]
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Social Media & The Candidate Experience: How Social Platforms Are Playing a Bigger Role

Social media has moved beyond just entertainment—now, it’s also a dynamic in reshaping career trajectories and empowering individuals in their pursuit of professional fulfillment. While professional networking platforms like LinkedIn have long been recognized as essential tools in job hunting, it is now part of a bigger ecosystem with social platforms that are geared towards […]
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EntertainHR: Why it’s Never a Good Idea to Overlook Workplace Drama

If you’re a fan of the Bravo sphere, you’re probably noticing a theme in a few of the latest seasons of our favorite shows like Summer House, the Real Housewives of New Jersey, and Vanderpump Rules: conflict amongst co-workers. Conflict is a part of life, and it becomes more frequent when you’re exes that hate […]
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Airline AI Use Case

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, companies are discovering innovative ways to integrate it into their operations. The airline industry is no exception, with EasyJet standing out as a prime example of how AI can enhance efficiency and customer experience. EasyJet’s AI-Powered Control Center EasyJet recently opened a new control center near Luton Airport […]
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How to Help Diverse Teams Thrive: 5 Strategies for Leading with a Multicultural Lens

Lately, while facilitating workshops at companies, I’ve noticed a common theme: frustrated employees and overwhelmed managers. Workers tell me, “I wish my manager would understand me better & take the time to learn more about me and my cultural background.” By the same token, managers are having a hard time even knowing how to start […]
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Taking Adverse Employment Actions Based on Background Checks

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was enacted to promote accuracy, fairness, and privacy of consumer information contained in the files of consumer reporting agencies (CRA). Employment background checks are a form of consumer report, so employers that conduct background checks on job applicants or employees must follow the procedures outlined in the FCRA. Failure […]
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Navigating Delayed Start Dates: Balancing Employee Needs and Organizational Priorities

When a job applicant makes it through the application and interview process and ultimately accepts a job offer from a new employer, there’s plenty of excitement on both sides of the equation. The culmination of this process represents a new beginning for both employer and employee. But, in most cases, that employee is also reaching […]
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The Surprising Impact of Tech Layoffs on Software Development Careers

In the wake of economic shifts and technological advancements, the tech employment landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, highlighting an interesting trend: a substantial portion of displaced workers are shifting towards software development roles. What drives this trend, and what does it mean for the tech industry? Major layoffs at leading tech companies have challenged […]
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Work Should Be a ‘No Politics’ Zone

Institutions around the country are in turmoil, subject to loud clamoring about events in the Middle East. Many members of their communities are making claims of anti-Semitism, while there are counterclaims of Islamophobia. Public universities and institutions may have no way to avoid those disruptions, but fortunately private employers need not be pulled into that […]
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Supriya Jha: Driving Transformative Change in Diversity and Inclusion at SAP

Supriya Jha, the Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at SAP, has been a transformative force in the realm of diversity and inclusion. Recognized as one of Diversity Global Magazine’s 2024 Top 15 Chief Diversity Officers, Supriya’s career is a testament to her dedication to fostering inclusive workplaces. Her journey, marked by personal and professional challenges, […]
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