Category: Bernie Portal

HSA and Cosmetic Surgery: FAQs | BerniePortal

Yes, you can use a health savings account, or HSA, for cosmetic surgery, but only in specific circumstances as outlined by your insurance and medical requirements.  
For example, some cosmetic surgeries, like some types of dental work, can be covered by HSA funds. However, an elective aesthetic surgery that does not determine the quality of life may not fly with a medical insurance provider. 
MANY medical expenses qualify for HSA spending or reimbursement, but the line is not always so clear regarding cosmetic procedures and treatments. So, which treatments or surgeries can you use an HSA on, and are there limitations? Let’s cover all your HSA and cosmetic procedure FAQs.

How HR at SMBs Can Support Employees Through Mental Health Struggles

If you work at an SMB without mental health support resources, you may feel limited in seeking a solution to your workforce’s mental health struggles. As a result, employees are not getting the support they need. May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In honor of this month, we interviewed Kevin Lee from MindClub America to learn more about how HR at SMBs can support their workforce through mental health struggles. MindClub America is a behavioral health organization focused on helping employees achieve mental fitness. 

Top 10 Small-Scale Office Perks

According to the KPMG 2023 CEO Outlook, 64% of business leaders believe there will be a total return to office in three years. This may play out differently for organizations that use hybrid and remote work opportunities as a primary edge in the war for talent. However, if returning to the office is inevitable, organizational leaders will need to do things differently– and better– to not only attract new talent, but also retain current talent. 

How to Create and Introduce a PIP

Thomas J. Peters, best known for his book In Search of Excellence, once stated, “The day firing becomes easy is the day to fire yourself.” A manager’s role is to do everything they can to help their direct reports succeed. Thus, an employee’s failure can be attributed to a failure on the part of their manager. Not all direct reports fail due to their managers, but strong leadership can tip the scales.  

What Are Business Ethics?

According to the Ethics and Compliance Initiative’s (ECI) 2023 Global Business Ethics Survey (GBES), just over 1 in 10 employees globally say they work in a strong, ethical workplace culture. That’s a very disappointing number, especially considering that statistic was 1 in 5 in 2020. ECI also found that businesses are not taking the steps that have been proven to reduce the risk of unethical behavior significantly.  

IRS Announces HSA and HDHP Limits for 2025

The IRS announced in May of 2024 the updated HSA contribution limits for 2025, which take effect in January 2025. 
The increase is not as significant as the jump between 2023 and 2024’s contribution limits, but it still creates opportunities for employers to reconsider their contribution amounts and grants HR the chance to remind employees to contribute as they plan for the enrollment process.
Read on to learn more about these updates and how you can use them to best prepare for your next open enrollment period.  

Can You Fire an Employee for Protesting?

49 out of 50 states in the U.S., all but Montana, follow at-will employment, so if you’re employed in the U.S. you’re probably an at-will employee. At-will employment means that the relationship between the employer and employee is entirely voluntary and can be terminated at any time. Because there is no employment contract, employees can be fired for pretty much any reason not considered wrongful termination, and they can also leave an employer for any reason.