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Why You Need More Introverts as Workplace Leaders

Tell an introvert you canceled the company picnic, and they’ll happily stay home, or hole up in their office and get some work completed. Those who keep on the quieter side may not be the life of the party, but they are solid, steady, and reliable, making them excellent workplace leaders. In the post-pandemic world […]
The post Why You Need More Introverts as Workplace Leaders appeared first on HR Daily Advisor.

Use Social Media for Recruitment Success

In the realm of social media, many recruiters lean towards Facebook or LinkedIn. But X, formerly known as Twitter, is nothing to sneeze at. It’s a bit more chaotic, a bit more informal, and a bit more like wild space—but that can actually work to a recruiter’s benefit, if they know what they’re doing. With […]
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Understanding Workplace Pregnancy Protections: A Regulatory Guide for Employers

With women making up 47% of the workforce1, ensuring an equitable and supportive experience in the workplace is essential, not only for their wellbeing and success, but also for employer regulatory compliance. Understanding the regulations in play is crucial, especially as they relate to pregnancy, which has become a greater focus of the Equal Employment […]
The post Understanding Workplace Pregnancy Protections: A Regulatory Guide for Employers appeared first on DirectEmployers Association.

Determining Whether NDAs Are Enforceable in Sexual Harassment Cases

Like all good legal questions, the answer to whether a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) is enforceable in sexual harassment cases is “it depends.” An NDA or confidentiality agreement is a signed legal document that restricts one party from sharing certain information with others. In the 1940s, NDAs were originally used in maritime law, and in the […]
The post Determining Whether NDAs Are Enforceable in Sexual Harassment Cases appeared first on HR Daily Advisor.

Firing Squad: Worklik’s Yehuda Beller

Yehuda Beller, co-founder and CRO at Worklik joins the Chad and Cheese podcast for a session of Firing Squad. WorkLik is a video-based job platform that aims to improve the candidate experience and connect job seekers with employers. They focus on hourly workers and Gen Z job seekers who are tired of the traditional hiring process. They’ve raised $2.5 million in seed funding and are planning to raise a Series A round soon. They offer a pay-per-match model, where employers only pay when they match with a qualified candidate. Sounds familiar, but do they have something unique enough to make

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