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Ongoing Business Challenges with AI Adoption

Artificial intelligence (AI) is recognized as a game-changer in the global business landscape, promising significant advancements and competitive advantages. However, despite the enthusiasm, many business leaders feel unprepared to harness AI effectively. According to a survey by G-P, this paradox of recognition versus readiness presents several key challenges. The Push for AI Investment The AI […]
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The Neuroinclusion Advantage: Unlocking Talents of the Hidden 20 Percent

In today’s ever-evolving workforce, businesses have a unique opportunity to tap into the potential of a highly skilled and underserved group. Neurodivergent individuals are estimated to make up around 20 percent of the global population – including those with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, and more. Yet these individuals encounter stigma and unconscious bias at […]
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Preparing Your HR Team for Policy Changes: A Guide

Updating an internal policy is a big deal. It takes hours of planning and writing, then more hours of training, even if the change is only a few words or sentences. While policy updates impact all employees, the HR team feels them the most. They’re usually responsible for writing, enforcing, and informing employees about these […]
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Firing Squad: Periodally’s Hilla Hascalovici

Hilla Hascalovici, the founder of Period Ally, joins the Chad and Cheese podcast to discuss how her company helps companies support their menstruating employees. Period Ally offers high-quality products, pain management, menstrual leave and rest policies, training, events, and more. Julie Sowash takes over for Chad, as it’s smarter to have smarts over snark on this episode. Hascalovici plans to raise money in the future and expand globally. The podcast hosts commend her for addressing an important issue and see potential for success in the market.


00:00 – Introduction and Welcome

03:03 -Pitching Periodally

12:03 -Bathroom Products and Preferences

15:10 – Cutting Through the

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Do You Need a Relationship Policy?

Yes, you probably do. But don’t panic—this doesn’t mean you need to be the love police, nor should your policy be a romance-ruining roadblock. The goal is to maintain a positive workplace culture and avoid any sticky situations that could lead to favoritism, conflict, or even lawsuits.

Building Strong Nonprofit Teams through HR Innovations

Let’s talk about HR and saving the world, for a hot minute. Non-profits have undergone significant changes in recent years, and they often face unique challenges that require creative solutions unavailable to their extremely well-funded capitalist cousins. Exploring new HR strategies can yield significant benefits, ensuring nonprofit organizations remain agile and effective in their
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How HR Can Help Manage and Resolve Conflict in the Workplace

Workplace conflict occurs when individuals’ ideas or perspectives clash while collaborating. These conflicts can stem from various personal or professional issues. However, when a conflict reaches a level that disrupts the flow of work, it is crucial to intervene and find ways to address the situation effectively. Addressing conflicts requires more than passive guidance
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