Day: May 28, 2024

Mental Strength: The Leadership Superpower of Our Time

In the latest episode of Transform Your Workplace, expert Scott Mautz reveals the secret to exceptional leadership: mental strength. Mautz, an award-winning, best-selling author and dynamic speaker, discusses how regulating emotions, thoughts, and behaviors can transform leaders from ordinary to extraordinary. Tune in to learn about the six core mental […]

OFCCP Week In Review: May 28, 2024

Colorado Enacted Nation’s First Ever (Nightmare) Law Addressing “Algorithmic Discrimination” in “High-Risk” AI Systems
Coalition of Business Groups Sued to Stop OSHA’s Union-Friendly “Walkaround” Rule
Texas Attorney General Filed Suit Challenging EEOC’s Harassment Guidance
DE Talk | Resiliency & Determination: The Military Spouse Employee Makeup
U.S. Justice Department & OFCCP Jointly Announced Separate Settlements with a Tech Company to Address “Whites Only” Job Posting
President Biden Renominated NLRB Chair McFerran & Nominated Ditelberg for Vacant Republican NLRB Slot
NY Attorney General Announced Coalition of 23 (Blue) State AGs Filed Amicus Brief Opposing 17 (Red) State AGs’ Challenge to EEOC’s PWFA Rule
FAR Council Seeks to Require Federal Contractors to Report First-Tier Subcontractor Information, Including Potentially Executive Compensation Data
In Brief
New Publications
Looking Ahead: Upcoming Date Reminders

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4 Essential Teams to Build for Rapid Business Expansion

For a company to start, it needs little more than a great idea and some executive business acumen.  However, the road toward expansion requires some extra paving. To see your business grow, you need to craft core teams to identify, attract, nurture, and empower customers, all while maintaining smooth and efficient business operations.  In
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Building Bridges, Not Silos: Fostering Collaboration Across a Hybrid Workforce

Remote work has gained traction over recent years, leading many employees to wish for any form of at-home work. According to the U.S. Career Institute, 54 percent of people prefer having a fully remote job, 41 percent want a hybrid arrangement, and the remaining five percent would instead work full-time in the office. The
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The Benefits of Project-Based Internships for Employers, Students and Colleagues

Attracting and retaining top talent is a constant challenge. Traditional recruitment methods often fall short, leaving companies struggling to find the right skills and fresh perspectives to drive innovation. Simultaneously, employees crave growth opportunities that many companies fail to provide, leading to high turnover and missed potential. Traditional internships, often focused on menial tasks
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Indeed Announces Layoff of about 8% Workforce for Restructuring

Indeed Inc. is planning to layoff about 1,000 employees on Monday, or roughly 8% of its workforce. This is Indeed, the job-search website’s second layoff in two years as it seeks to simplify its business in a cooling labor market. The cuts come after Indeed slashed 2,200 positions last year […]

Unlocking Connection: The Power of Thoughtful Questions in the Workplace

Unlocking Connection: The Power of Thoughtful Questions in the Workplace Hosts: Steve Boese & Trish Steed Guest: Topaz Adizas, Founder of The Skin Deep Today, we met with Topaz Adizas from The Skin Deep to discuss the significance of asking thoughtful questions to build better workplace relationships. They emphasized the importance of creating a safe […]

Today’s letter of the day is “P,” as in “Pretext”

the employer handbook

In employment discrimination cases where a defendant-employer articulates a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the employment action, the plaintiff has the burden then shifts to the plaintiff-employee to establish that the employer’s reason was a pretext for discrimination, i.e., the defendant’s reason for, say, terminating the plaintiff’s employment is false. Without […]