Day: May 17, 2024

How to Create and Introduce a PIP

Thomas J. Peters, best known for his book In Search of Excellence, once stated, “The day firing becomes easy is the day to fire yourself.” A manager’s role is to do everything they can to help their direct reports succeed. Thus, an employee’s failure can be attributed to a failure on the part of their manager. Not all direct reports fail due to their managers, but strong leadership can tip the scales.  

What Are Business Ethics?

According to the Ethics and Compliance Initiative’s (ECI) 2023 Global Business Ethics Survey (GBES), just over 1 in 10 employees globally say they work in a strong, ethical workplace culture. That’s a very disappointing number, especially considering that statistic was 1 in 5 in 2020. ECI also found that businesses are not taking the steps that have been proven to reduce the risk of unethical behavior significantly.  

Let’s update you on some recent NJ employment law developments

the employer handbook

The New Jersey Supreme Court has weighed in not once but twice this month on important employment law issues. So, if you operate a business in the Garden State, I’ll bring you up to speed on that, plus some new pending legislation. (For the rest of you, have a nice […]

Indeed Layoffs, ZipRecruiter Cat Turds & Eightfold Smoke and Mirrors

This week, the boys discuss various topics including Indeed’s layoffs, the ban on lab-grown meat in Alabama, Jerry Seinfeld’s commencement speech, and the financial struggles of ZipRecruiter. They also dig into the introduction of Eightfold Talent Tracking, and the partnership between Stack Overflow and Indeed. They express their disappointment with […]